1. Run `patch -p 1 -d putty-src-0.59 < putty.diff` from the parent directory 2. Load the putty-src-0.59/WINDOWS/MSVC/PUTTY.DSW project file in MSVC 3. Drag and drop the following files in the putty-src-0.59/WINDOWS folder into the following filters in putty: Headers: -- PickIconDialog.h -- urlhack.h Source Files: -- PickIconDialog.c -- urlhack.cpp re_lib: (right click PuTTY, and "Add" > "New Filter" -- re_lib/regexp.h -- re_lib/regmagic.h -- re_lib/regexp.cpp 4. [Optional] Disable _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE warnings by right-clicking putty, Properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Command Line and add /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" to "Additional options" 5. Build > Build putty